26 July 2008

Sunlight Man Redux

This is the first post in the new and improved SUNLIGHT MAN blog, now focused entirely on the personal experimental documentary feature film Camp Gardner is producing under that title.

We learned at the end of last week that we were selected to participate in IFP Film Week, a major opportunity to get SUNLIGHT MAN before industry professionals in New York City, and a chance to get John Gardner's name out there.

We have been working on SUNLIGHT MAN for over six years, and finally the story is coming together. Stay tuned for more updates as we rebuild this blog spot; this feels like a new beginning, and we want to keep you up to date with our news.

Here's a two-minute sampler:


Laura E. Goodin said...

The sampler looks good -- best wishes on the project!

-- Laura

Jennifer Duncan said...

That's such great news, Joel! You must be so excited. Bruce and I just watched the clip together, and it's fantastic--and makes us all the more eager to see the finished product. Thanks so much for sharing it!

Roland said...

Mensch Meister!! Total Geil !! Weiter so im Wald mit zuvielen Bäumen!!!